Consulting Services for ECOWAS Study 1 - Private Sector Financing of Regional Development Projects: Contribution of PPP - Selection of CDP Priority Projects to be implemented by PPP

Summary of Services Provided
  • PPP Project Screening
  • Project Review
  • Legal, Institutional and Regulatory Framework Review
  • PPP Project Development

The objective of the study, which was commissioned by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) on behalf of the ECOWAS Commission’s Community Development Programme (CDP), is to determine modalities for promoting PPP as an instrument for private sector involvement in the financing of regional
development projects in the ECOWAS region. The study aimed at identifying CDP priority projects that could be financed and implemented through a PPP mechanism and recommending instruments to achieve delivery.

Murty screened over 250 national and regional CDP priority projects across the 15 West African countries using a comprehensive framework to identify good candidates to be implemented by PPP and providing modalities for these projects to undergo PPP project development and implementation.

Our services included reviewing information on the CDP priority projects, conducting information gap analysis, carrying out establishment of project requirements utilising already prepared cost estimates, forecasting potential revenues and undertaking legal reviews to enable project screening. We also provided country by country recommendations for establishing enabling frameworks for the successful delivery of the PPP projects.